I have a dispute on WeLab Debit Card transaction, what should I do?
Sorry to hear that 😞. You can report any disputed transactions by raising a chargeback request at any time after you become aware of it, but please do so within 60 days from the date of your eStatement. For details, please refer to the Chargeback Processing Lead Time in the Chargeback Request Form.To find out what is a ‘chargeback’, please click here. To report any disputed transaction or to raise a chargeback request, please complete our Chargeback Request Form and submit it to us together with supporting documents.We will process your request after we receive the Chargeback Request Form and all required supporting documents, and we will inform you of the results within 60 – 90 calendar days.If your WeLab Debit Card is lost or stolen, and you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, and have complied with our Account Terms, your liability prior to us receiving notification of your lost or stolen WeLab Debit Card is limited to HKD500.
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